Contoh Soal Skolastik SNBT 2023, Tes Masuk Perguran Tinggi Negeri, Calon Maba Wajib Tahu!

SNBT 2023
SNBT 2023
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consensus statement confirms that the major cause of coral cover loss is extreme weather events, such as cyclones. Clearly, we are not able to influence such events.

The second Great Barrier Reef Report Card confirms that management change and water quality improvements are tracking positively, but more needs to be done.

The report was released in July 2013 and based on 2011 Paddock to Reef Monitoring Program data.

Baca Juga:Ketua IPPNU Cianjur Terjun Langsung, Pantau Kader Terdampak GempaResep Kue Keranjang Khas Imlek, Bisa Bikin di Rumah

The Queensland and Australian governments, together with industry, regional bodies, and conservation groups, will continue working hard to maintain progress towards Reef Plan targets.

We want to be sure that the reef has the best possible opportunity to recover from cyclone damage and crown-of-thorns starfish attacks.
(Diadaptasi dari protection/)

What can be inferred from the passage?
(A) The Great Barrier Reef is under the threat of nature.
(B) Australian economy is attracted by cyclone and starfish.
(C) The other main resource influencing the reef is seawater quality.
(D) Scientists expect the reef has the power to recover naturally.
(E) The decline of the Great Barrier Reef initiates research on climate.

Jawaban: A

(berbagai sumber)


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