Lirik Dan Terjemahan Kim Yeji – Long Black Night

Lirik dan Terjemahan Kim Yeji – Long Black Night
Lirik dan Terjemahan Kim Yeji – Long Black Night
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and I miss you like crazy
Your looks resembles me

Cold wind
The colder it gets, my mind becomes clearer

There’s a darkness that gets covered
The darker it gets, my path becomes clearer

I never get tired even for a moment
Chewed and eat this dark night
With all my life at a risk

Pushing myself into the long darkness,
until the last breath
To you, who showed me
everything in the world

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I’ll remember everything
I’ll make sure to bring you here
I miss you like crazy

I miss you, terribly

You are the reason for my life

A ripped heart,
living a dry life,
with a soul that was falling apart
The reason I breath

You look more desperate than my life
and I miss you like crazy
Your looks resembles me


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