The sense that you’re not making
Perasaan bahwa kamu tidak membuat
The liberties you’re taking
Kebebasan yang kamu ambil
Leaves my cabeza shaking
Daun cabezaku gemetar
You’re just un poco loco
Kau hanya sedikit gila
He’s just un poco crazy, leaves my cabeza shaking
Dia hanya un poco gila, daun cabezaku gemetar
He’s just un poco crazy, leaves my cabeza shaking
Dia hanya un poco gila, daun cabezaku gemetar
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He’s just un poco crazy, leaves my cabeza shaking
Dia hanya un poco gila, daun cabezaku gemetar
He’s just un poco crazy, leaves my cabeza shaking
Dia hanya un poco gila, daun cabezaku gemetar
Un poquititititititititi-titititito loco!You might also like
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